PCS Transition Support for EFMP Families
Your installation’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) team is a great resource and support for families with an EFMP dependent(s) who are also dealing with Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders. One of the primary responsibilities of EFMP is to help families think through, plan, and access specific resources that will help to make the PCS move less challenging.
As part of EFMP’s standardized PCS Warm Hand-Off process, families can expect the following support:
- Contact from their Family Case Worker (FCW) following receipt of orders to identify any needs, provide resources to meet those needs, and/or develop a plan to address those needs through referral, case management, and coordination between the losing and gaining EFMP staff.
- Ninety days prior to the PCS execution date (or earlier if needed), your FCW will check back in to see how things are progressing and if additional support or resources are needed. At this time, your FCW will provide the name and contact information of your gaining location FCW.
- Between 90-60 days prior to your PCS execution, your gaining location FCW will make contact to introduce themselves and coordinate locally any needs, such as housing accommodations, and discuss resources within the local community.
- Thirty days prior to your PCS execution, your losing and gaining FCW will coordinate on the transfer of respite care, if applicable, and discuss any final needs to make sure your family is ready to move.
- Upon arrival to your new duty station, your new FCW will request transfer of your case within the EFMP Case Management System, so that they may begin to provide routine case management support to help your family get connected to your new community.
- If your family is transferring to a sister service installation and would like to connect with the local EFMP team, part of the Warm Hand Off will include an introduction to the sister service EFMP point of contact.
At any time, families are encouraged to reach out to request more support. Usual topics associated with PCS moves include: housing needs, dependent travel options, transfer of TRICARE, special education support and transition, service animals, respite care, community resources and safety. In all cases, your Family Case Worker will support your family and address those needs that are most important to you.