Family Readiness Program Training

The most valuable resource to the Marine Corps is the individual Marine and their family. Personal and family readiness is a combat multiplier, equally important as individual and family readiness. Achieving a high state of individual and family readiness supports the Marines and their families in successfully balancing the challenges of the military lifestyle, family, career, and mission events.

The primary duty of the Family Readiness Program is to serve as a communication portal between the commander, the unit, the Marine, and the Marine's family members.

The most valuable resource to the Marine Corps is the individual Marine and their family. Personal and family readiness is a combat multiplier, equally important as individual and family readiness. Achieving a high state of individual and family readiness supports the Marines and their families in successfully balancing the challenges of the military lifestyle, family, career, and mission events.

The primary duty of the Family Readiness Program is to serve as a communication portal between the commander, the unit, the Marine, and the Marine's family members.

Volunteer Opportunities

Command Team Advisor
This is an official volunteer position open to spouses of active duty Marines. Provides family insight to the Family Readiness Command Team. Attends monthly Command Team meetings. Contributes content to and attends Family Readiness-related functions. Recommends initiative or actions needed to improve family wellness. Focuses on support, advocacy and mentorship. May assist with event planning. For more information or to apply for this position, please contact the Uniformed Readiness Coordinator at (760) 577-7216.

Family Readiness Assistant
This is an official volunteer position open to families of active duty Marines. Assists the Uniformed Readiness Coordinator (URC) with welcoming families to the unit. May assist with Information and Referral. Provides feedback from the families to the URC concerning quality of communication and overall effectiveness of the Unit and Personal Family Readiness Program. Publicizes and attends Family Readiness events and workshops. May assist with event planning. For more information or to apply for this position, please contact the Uniformed Readiness Coordinator at (760) 577-7216. For additional opportunities to volunteer, contact the Installation Volunteer Coordinator at (760) 577-6675 located at Nebo BLDG 126.

Upcoming Events

Currently, there are no scheduled activities planned for the near future. See all upcoming events.

Contact Information and Resources
Family Readiness Program


BLDG 573
RM 732
Barstow, CA 92398

Phone: 7605777216

Uniformed Readiness Coordinator: 7605777216

UPFRP Training: 7605776675

Hours of operation:

Mon-Fri 7:30am-4pm
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