Career Connections
The Career Resource Center (CRC) provides a comfortable, relaxing environment where authorized patrons may read up on current career skills and career opportunities using books, magazines, or the Internet via the computers in the CRC Lab. All services provided in the CRC are free to military service members, retirees, veterans, DoD civilian employees, and their family members in their career planning and job search.
The two primary programs are Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP) and Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FMEAP). We provide a variety of resources such as computer program for skills-sharpening, internet access, a reference library, and job listings.
We have friendly and helpful staff to assist you and answer questions. Our services are provided for free.
Computerized Skills & Employment Assessment
These programs help job seekers make career and educational choices based on interests, skills, and personality types
Automated Services: consists of computer work stations for clients to use in preparing resumes, cover letters, and federal applications. Internet access is available on all computers. Fax service, copier, and telephone for employer contact are also available.
CRC Resource Library: consists of publications, video, and books on the job market and how to better prepare yourself.
Employment Listings: for local and nationwide job searches are also available.