Tuesday, September 5, 2023
MCFTB - Volunteer Ready

Volunteer Ready
By: Marine Corps Family Team Building
December 17 | 1-2 PM
Virtual Class
Are you an organization that would like to recruit Marine Corps Volunteers? Have you asked what does this process look like? Volunteer Ready assists organizations in developing the tools necessary to engage Marine Corps Volunteers in a way that is ethical, proper, and mutually beneficial. This workshop is for Accepting Officials, military or civilian (external or internal), and will educate clients about volunteerism, and their responsibilities while working with Marine Corps Volunteers.
For additional information contact MCFTB at mcftbquantico@usmc-mccs.org or call 703.784.9422.
Please make sure to download the FREE Adobe Connect app to your phone, tablet or desktop prior to the workshop.
Join us on the web: https://meeting.marinenet.usmc.mil/rc1axcshaqlf/