Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow

Current base logo for MCLB Barstow
Marine Corps Installations West
Barstow, California

Who we are

The mission of Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow is to enable operational readiness through infrastructure, logistics and services in order to support Marine Corps, Army, and other government components.


LCpl. Seminar & Cpl. Course 1-25


LCpl. Seminar & Cpl. Course 1-25

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Zachary Evers, military liaison, along with Staff Sergeant Alvaro Parramaldonado, chief instructor, presented graduation...


With the holidays approaching, it is important to remember that stress can be a silent killer. Behavioral Health and MCCS Barstow have resources and tips on how to handle holiday stress and keep your mental health at ease.

Featured News

Behavioral Health personnel are ready to help with holiday stress, aboard Marine Corps Logistics

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a nationwide initiative aimed at increasing awareness regarding

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Earlier this year, the Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment team, housed on the Yermo Annex

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Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, California is honoring Hispanic Heritage Month, also known as

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Behavioral Health personnel are ready to help with holiday stress, aboard Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, California, this season.“With the holiday seasons approaching, holiday stress can often take a toll on individuals,” said Michelle Adams, BH office manager, Family Advocacy Program prevention and Education specialist, and victim advocate. “Holidays can be stressful due to expectations, travel, and having additional family and friends around during the holidays. It can place a financial burden on some, or the thought of socializing can be overwhelming. There is also the pressure of commercialism, the extra sweets and food that might be tempting. In some cases people may have to plan between multiple gatherings, and much more.”The

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